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MU MỚI RA THÁNG 01 2023 - SEASON 17 Season 16 - SEASON 17


Trang chủ: https://squidmu.com

Fanpage hỗ trợ: https://squidmu.com

Phiên bản: Season 16 - Máy chủ: S17x500

Loại Mu: Reset, Exp 500x, Drop 30%

Alpha Test: 30/01/2023 (23h) - Open Beta: 31/01/2023 (23h)

GIỚI THIỆU MU SS16 MỚI RA - SEASON 17 MỚI RA THÁNG 01 2023 - squidmu.com

Squidmu Online is ready to start with new X500 server which named Angel. Which is balanced from PVM to PVP. X500 server is made for long-term and quality gameplay. We do not have webshop. There is only limited X shop. And best items you can get by playing. This server is Play2win for sure. X500 Grand opening will be in 2023-01-30 6:00PM Server time!

Lithuania time: 2023-01-30 6:00 PM (GMT+3)

United kingdom time: 2023-01-30 4:00 PM (GMT+1)

Poland time: 2023-01-30 5:00 PM (GMT+2)

Vietnam time: 2023-01-30 10:00 PM (GMT+7)

United States time: 2023-01-30 11:00 AM (GMT-4)

Server information:

Regular Experience 500x (Dynamic rates) / Master Experience 500x
Max Level 400 / Max Mastery Level 650 (after level 400)
Low Performance Mode: Button F9
Non PvP Maps: Aida 1; Aida 2; Karutan 1 and Karutan 2
Minimap (TAB) to see Spot Locations
Monsters and Boss Power Adjusted
PvP / PvM all classes Adjusted
Elf Soldier Max Level - 400 / Max Resets - 3

Experience system:
1-20 resets - x500

21-40 resets - x450

41-60 resets - x400

61-80 resets - x350

81-100 resets - x300

❗️ Ghi chú bởi MuHay.Net: nếu bài giới thiệu mu mới ra có like & share nhận code game, vui lòng tham gia trực tiếp tại Fanpage của SEASON 17 theo đường dẫn sau: https://squidmu.com

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