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MU MỚI RA THÁNG 02 2023 - Mu Nước ngoài Season 16 - GIFT CODES, STARTER BOOSTS, VN


Trang chủ: https://www.magnificmu.com/

Fanpage hỗ trợ: https://www.magnificmu.com/

Phiên bản: Season 16 - Máy chủ: Keep Stats X900

Loại Mu: Reset, Exp 900x, Drop 35%

Alpha Test: 14/02/2023 (15h) - Open Beta: 15/02/2023 (15h)

GIỚI THIỆU MU SS16 MỚI RA - Mu Nước ngoài MỚI RA THÁNG 02 2023 - www.magnificmu.com

Opening of Server [X900 High] on February 15. https://www.magnificmu.com/

- Starter EVENT: Free 500 WCoins - Like & Share!
- Activity FREEBIES: Free WCoins and GP - Use the Gift Codes!

💥 Server protected against cheaters with a premium Anti-Hack.

🔥 Stat points stay after reset so you can build your favorite character class strong pretty fast. 
🔥 Success rates and drops are adjusted the way to make game-play balanced but not extra hard. 
🔥 Many different type of monster spots created for all character classes in all maps. 
🔥 Special quest system introduced to give you an opportunity to hunt monsters, do specific tasks to earn extra rewards for free. 

- Exp Regular | Master: 900x | 900x
- Max Level Regular | Master: 400 | 900
- Max Account connections per 1 Computer: 3
- Maximum Stat Points: 32767
- Monsters & Bosses power adjusted
- Spots & Hotspots in all maps
- Anti-Lag feature button F9
- Non PvP subserver with 2x less Exp

Register: https://www.magnificmu.com/registration
Download: https://www.magnificmu.com/downloads

❗️ Ghi chú bởi MuHay.Net: nếu bài giới thiệu mu mới ra có like & share nhận code game, vui lòng tham gia trực tiếp tại Fanpage của Mu Nước ngoài theo đường dẫn sau: https://www.magnificmu.com/

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